Unknown Title
Unknown Artist

Based on a DGPlayer Fork combined with audiocogs aurora with FLAC and MP3
Pure javascript, underscore is used for templating the playlist
Playlist usage
Just pass into DGPlayer.playist
an array of songs :
DGPlayer.playlist = [
{name : "Song1 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.mp3"},
{name : "Song2 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.flac"}
Album usage
If you want to play an album, just pass artist, album and cover to DGPlayer.album
DGPlayer.album = {artist : 'Artist', album : 'Album', picture : 'http://localhost/img/avatar.jpeg'};
You might also set the playlist through the album by adding songs :
DGPlayer.album = {
artist : 'Artist',
album : 'Album',
picture : 'http://localhost/img/avatar.jpeg',
songs : [
{name : "Song1 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.mp3"},
{name : "Song2 name", url : "http://localhost/media/mySong.flac"}
Adding, removing songs
Adding :
DGPlayer.addSong = {
"name":"Jeux de vagues",
"picture" : "medias/debussy.jpg"
Removing : just give the song index, or data-no
DGPlayer.removeSong = 2; //dummy example ofc
Built for ezseed2